New SAFI Ambassador: Luiza de Paula Araujo
Luiza de Paula is the first SAFI Ambassador to Spain
Luiza de Paula is the first SAFI Ambassador to Spain
Kritika Maheswhari is the first SAFI Ambassador to the Netherlands
Consent from Sex to State – Conference Report on SAFI’s 5th Annual Conference 2024 in Glasgow
by Kristin Y. Albrecht
We are proud to announce the latest publication resulting from the SAFI Conference held in Verona (29 September – 1…
We are excited to announce that Dr. Giulia Battistoni has taken on the role of President of SAFI. Giulia has…
Das Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien hat viele interessante Materialien zusammengetragen als auch Tipps für inklusivere Lehre bereitgestellt auf…
SAFI’s roundtable on “Women in Legal Philosophy: Perspectives on Legitimacy and Justice”
SAFI aims at being present at the 25th World Congress of Philosophy to introduce itself to all women philosophers working…
SAFI ist Kooperationspartner der Tagung Rechtsphilosophinnen: Die unsichtbaren Beiträge europäischer Denkerinnen zur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie Keynotes: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber…
By ALMA DIAMOND This is part two of a two-part series on the United States Supreme Court decision to overrule…