About Us


Women and their work are underrepresented and hardly visible in legal academia. There is insufficient networking among them. SAFI (Societas Aperta Feminarum in Iuris Theoria) is an interdisciplinary support network for women in legal academia. The purpose is to network internally, and to organize and cooperate strategically.  In this way, female scholars can have a platform to present and amplify their work, and outstanding research by women can become firmly established in legal academia.

Photo from SAFI's first conference. You can see the founders of SAFI (from left to right): Sabrina Zucca-Soest, Anna Fruhstdorfer, Kristin Albrecht, Claudia Wirsing
SAFI’s founders (left to right) in Berlin 2019: Sabrina Zucca-Soest, Anna Fruhstorfer, Kristin Y. Albrecht, Claudia Wirsing

What We Want

  • Visibility internally and externally
  • To network and organize among ourselves
  • Regular conferences
  • Internal exchange of professional and academic questions, of expertise and information as well as possibilities for cooperation and partnerships
  • Support and promotion

What we offer

  • Various cooperation opportunities
  • Profiled presentation of female scholars and their research
  • Networking among each other and the possibility to cooperate outside the network
  • Overview of relevant information for women in science
The Statue of Justice - lady justice or Iustitia / Justitia the Roman goddess of Justice / Author: AA+W

Membership is inclusive, welcoming individuals of all genders. We enthusiastically invite all interested parties to join us.


Dr. Kristin Y. Albrecht

University of Salzburg

SAFI President

Dr. Giulia Battistoni

University of Verona/
Boston University/Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

SAFI President
(stands in for C. Wirsing)

Dr. Claudia Wirsing

University of Braunschweig/ University of Hamburg

SAFI President
(currently inactive)

Dr. Sabrina Zucca-Soest

Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg

SAFI President

Dr. Alma Diamond

University of Michigan School of Law

Ambassador of SAFI in the United States

Dr. Ana Cannilla

University of Glasgow

Ambassador of SAFI in the UK

Alix Stéphan

Paris 8

Ambassador of SAFI in France

Dr. Kritika Maheshwari

TU Delft

Ambassador of SAFI in the Netherlands

Prof. Dr. Angela Condello

University of Messina

Ambassador of SAFI in Italy

Dr. Chiara Magni

Roma Tre University –
Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne

Ambassador of SAFI in Italy

Luiza de Paula Araujo

University of Barcelona

Ambassador of SAFI in Spain

Dr. Andrea Pérez Fernández

University of Barcelona

Ambassador of SAFI in Spain

Prof. Dr. Ana C. Gomez Sierra

Georgia State University

SAFI Community Manager

honorary Members

Dr. Anna Fruhstorfer

Anna Fruhstorfer (WZB Berlin) is a founding member of SAFI who also organised SAFI’s first annual conference in Berlin in 2019. We are most grateful for her ongoing support!

SAFI is a wonderful idea put into action by driven and astounding colleagues. Research shows that women supporting women is a crucial factor for success in academic careers, and Safi certainly offers that. But it does more, above all it allows us all to share our intellectual curiosity with a group of likeminded friends. – Anna


Discover members, past meeting locations and speakers on the map.
